Why You Shouldn't Send Web Visitors to Your Homepage

One immensely common mistake that many people seem to do when advertising online (in whichever form) is to send visitors to the website homepage. While the homepage is great for people who have gone into your site with a "general inquiry" in mind, and so the homepage could actually guide them towards finding what they are after, people coming into your site should not have to find their way around. This will make you lose out on business. A whole lot of it in fact.

What You Should be Doing

When advertising online with the intent of generating an action from your audience (which should pretty much be the way you always advertise online) you should be striving to get your audience to take that action as easily as possible before they lose their interest, which happens really fast on the web. Therefore, when your audience comes into your website through your advert, they should immediately find what they want and what they came in for - the same thing you were advertising before they entered your site. In this way, you would be getting their attention with what they want (via your advert), turning that attention into a desire (via your website) and then generating an action there and then. The goal is to convert as much of your traffic as possible into business leads.

The Landing Page

The landing page is what makes this magic happen (contrary to popular belief, a landing page is not the same thing as a home page). A landing page is a page designed specifically for just one particular offer to the client and with the goal of generating the action that you want to generate. This kind of page will consist of a more detailed explanation of what you are offering and supported by any other content (images, video or whatever is needed) that backs up and enhances your offer. It should also very clearly show the action you want people to take, such as subscribing, requesting a demo, booking a free sample or even buying there and then. In this way, you are not only not allowing your audience to lose interest but you are increasing that interest once you have got their attention. This is the kind of page you want your precious audience to go to from your costly advertising and this is what generates concrete results.

Bottom Line

Having a good landing page is the core element of succeeding in your online campaigns, without which, you will be simply spending money/time to get people into your website and then losing them when it matters most; right before they become your business leads. To make sure your landing page is 100% up to scratch, drop us an email and we will let you know what's missing from your landing page for free.

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