4 Updates you must do on your website in 2015

Stay Fresh & Alive
Keeping your website up with the times is simple and cost-effective

Now that a few months or perhaps years passed from when you first launched your website, it is time that you keep your website up to date. Technology standards change every year, if not every month and the level of your website has to do the same. What was top-notch a year ago is now becoming obsolete. If you want to keep getting results or improve the results you are getting, you need to stay up with the times and keep that website up to date.

Add these features to your website...

Add Captcha

Stop Junk Mail - Junk mail from website contact forms has increased due to automatic programs submitting emails as a form of spam. The 'captcha' feature solves this problem with an additional requirement that the user must fill in that can only be read by humans. Stop spending 15 minutes every day deleting junk mail. It costs just €60 for the first form and €30 for each additional form! No more Spam! Add Captcha' now!

Make your website Responsive

Statistics vary, but most likely over 60% of your visitors access your website from
their tablet or mobile phone. For this reason, your website needs to be responsive - so that the layout and design of your website adapts itself to allow for an easy and comfortable user- experience and avoid unnecessary scrolling. Update your website for just €359. Make My Website Responsive please

Update Website Content

Updating content frequently has some major benefits that can actually make you
more money and increase your visibility on the web. Fresh, quality content increases your search engine visibility as well as truly improves your website, brand image and the overall customer experience. Updates start at €50 Definitely! Let's Update it as soon as possible

Add Mobile Version

Will improve: Average Time on Site, Faster Website Load Speed, Improved Mobile SEO, Competitive Advantage Over Your Competition. Over time, mobile users will increase. Stop missing out on revenue-generating opportunities for your business. Upgrade your website with a mobile version for €399. Yes, I want a mobile site!

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