4 steps to improve cash flow and automate sales


how it feels to worry about these things

how it would feel if you had it sorted

how many businesses have a hassle with this very problem

how achievable it is in reality if you do the right things

STEP 1 - Define your goals well and specifically

most people fail because they do not really know where they want to go

defining goals allows you to plan your budgets and timelines

allows you to set priorities and focus resources on them

exactly how many sales and what their value should be

I want 3 sales of EUR 3000 each per month

STEP 2 - Set up a website/page that gets visitors interested in your product - AND TAKE ACTION!

you don't have to actually sell your product online but if you create interest then you can sell it in person, at your shop or even through a Skype call

identify who your clients are, what they want, how they think and how best to present your product to them link to download 1

create content (video, images, audio, text) that gets your message across to your audience

simulate the real selling process

focus on your strong points

include testimonials and other social proof

provide demos, examples, portfolio and any other means of creating credibility

make the offer and ask for action - find some action that is easy and useful for your visitors to take within the context of your page

gather information of interested prospects for exchange of something valuable (free downloads, consultation etc) 

make sure that you get at least 1 prospect for every 100 visitors (if not, you need some tweaking around of your content, presentation or target audience). This rate changes from one product to another but 1% is usually a decent start.

STEP 3 - Identify a scalable, repeatable method of attracting the right audience to your sales pages

this step is important for your process to be financially sound

use online mediums to attract the right people (who you know need/want your product)

make sure that the expenses incurred in attracting this audience makes sense when compared to your goals and resources

tweak your campaigns until you reach a point where every sale (conversion) is worth the money spent to get it

repeat the process and scale up as much as you need to reach your goals (increase your advertising budgets/efforts accordingly)

once this step is done, your sales process and success will simply be down to predictable numbers rather than chance

link to http://www.websuccess.com.mt/digital-strategy.aspx

STEP 4 - Learn and fine-tune

learn more about your sales process by looking at your website statistics

ask your clients for feedback and testimonials

take action on the information you are getting and improve your process

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