What you need for your online store to work?

1.    Make a Plan.

To start off you need a plan. A plan gives you directions and sets you on the right path. A plan needs goals – in football you have a goal post, in tennis you have a net and in basketball you have a hoop. These clearly defined goals help you with your focus. Goals and a plan together allow you to move forward within your business towards your goals.  This not only applies for the web. It actually applies for all of your business ventures and probably anything great you are doing!

2.    Profile your audience.

Clarify in your mind and on paper who you are marketing to. Who are you likely to sell the most? Who responds well to your advertising? Try to find out how your target audience uses the internet. Which websites do they refer to most? Which social sites do they engage on? Is it facebook? Is it Pintrest? Is it a particular newspaper or magazine?

3. Put yourself in front of your audience.

Once you have decided where your audience is, make sure you are everywhere they are. Create profiles, create content and share material. Create pay per click campaigns and adverts to make sure that you are on every website they are looking at. That way they can’t miss you.

4.    Provide good content to your audience.

Depending on who your audience is, what they base their decisions on and why they will chose you/your products over something/someone else, you will need to provide good content to help them take that decision. For example if you are selling your services – show your skills with a portfolio, pictures and testimonials. If you are selling dresses then you need to have an online store /catalogue with all the dresses that you have.

5.    Monitor

Finally, factor in for human error. Since we are only humans, we are bound to make mistakes. Decisions that we might have thought great at planning stage might not be giving us the results we would like a few months later. Therefore we need to monitor our efforts, follow what is giving us the results we want, what is getting close to giving us the results we want and also what is out right a waste of time/money or other resources.

Remember: Start with a plan, underline your audience for your marketing, provide good content and monitor regularly.  
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